Seven-Step Guide to SecuRing your AWS Kingdom – 2021 edition
AWS (Amazon Web Services) tries to decrease the number of security issues among its customer by releasing new services or upgrading the old ones.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) tries to decrease the number of security issues among its customer by releasing new services or upgrading the old ones.
Did you know that in 2011 there were 82 new AWS services or updates of old ones, in 2014 there were 516 and at the end of 2017 there were more than 1300 such announcements?
That proves the scale of hacker activities is growing year by year and maintaining the security of infrastructure is an inseparable element of each business development.
In the following article we’d like to present a list of 7 steps to harden your cloud infrastructure and stay safe in your business, based on our own experience and common best practices.
UPDATE: In this year’s edition, we’ve refined the structure of the entire document to make it even more helpful!
PS. If you are interested in AWS and you are preparing to AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification, read Paweł Rzepa notes on taking the exam.